PANGAIA: Dreamers & Doers
Inspiring an Earth Positive Future
PANGAIA, meaning PAN: Whole GAIA: Mother Earth, is founded as a Materials science company – and evolved into an influential and impactful lifestyle brand with a strong mission and purpose which opened them up to masses and create more awareness for our environment.
Did you know that:
- Earth used to be covered in approx..6 trillion trees, today there is less than half of that
- It requires around 3,000 liters of water to make only one cotton shirt
- Most active-wear is made with fossil fuel based materials
- Indigenous people represent under 5% of total of the global population, and yet they are managing over 25% of the world’s land surface and supporting about 80% of global bio-diversity.
PANGAIA works toward finding solutions to these problems and many more, and hand in hand with Indigenous people as well as NGOs.
PANGAIA is beyond a retail fashion brand, I would like to call it a ‘Mindset’ Fashion brand – brand that encourages a purpose driven lifestyle, a way of thinking - brand that is aiming to change mindsets and behaviours of consumers to choose and act with an Earth positive stand.
Pangaia is researching the whole world, innovating and using materials committed to protecting, preserving and promoting biodiversity on earth. Some of these materials include:
- C-Fiber: Nature turned into fabric using wood pulp & sea weed powder
- FLWRDWN: Down material made from combination of wildflowers, biopolymer, aerogel instead of animal feathers for outerwear
- PLNTFIBER & FRUTFIBER: Repurposing food waste like banana leaf, pineapple leaf, bamboo into fiber
- Grape Leather: Vegan grape leather is the solid remains of grapes after pressing
- Natural & Food Dye
- Organic cotton
Active-wear made of plants - Shoes made of grape
They then applied these materials in products as well as experiences, and even better, they are sharing their research, innovations and environmentally friendly materials for all other interested businesses and brands – elevating the industry. As well as educating other brands and consumers on the materials and their affects.
My admiration for the brand increased when I listed to Eva Kruse, the Group SVP of Global Engagement at PANGAIA as she talked about bringing together science & purpose to solve environmental problems - how “problem solving while innovating and creating something that is good for the earth and humans excites them – yet they are only part of a solution and a bigger engaged movement is necessary.’
Planet, People, Innovation, giving back – Climate Action, Water Health, Bio diversity these should all be at the top of every company and their strategies when setting up their future goals and approach for growth.
As we know big changes and impact can happen with collective desire and effort. It is immensely inspiring to see dreamers and doers coming together at PANGAIA.
Most recent collaborations announced is with Timberland - Made with responsibly grown rubber, abaca plant, and organically grown cotton.
Doesn’t it feels amazing to envision a world where every business and every person is earth positive.
Read more. about PANGAIA.
Thank you