Wellness 101: Introduction to Whole Well-being

This is a 4-Week workshop

Starting November 22nd.

Every Tuesday 18:00 – 20:00 UK time

Online Workshop with Zoom meetings

Welcome to Wellness 101

Welcome! Happy that you are here. It’s so important to feel connected and part of something positive for your overall well-being.

 The course is designed to provide you with a multi-dimensional view of holistic health in a joyful and positive way so you feel uplifted and energized in mind, body and spirit. It will support you to create physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and environmental wellness – unique to you and your personal needs. It is a simple yet powerful way to provide foundational knowledge and skills in a short period of time.

 You’ll leave the workshop feeling empowered to optimize your overall well-being, you’ll learn about physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health and how to honor each of these pillars of holistic health towards becoming your most healthy and happy version.

I whole heartedly hope, you will go through this journey with joy and gain holistic tools that can be applied to your everyday life – starting with today and for many years to come; feeling healthier, happier, fulfilled and more confident to be on your path to living your optimal well-being.

Course Description:

In this course, you’ll learn the meaning of holistic health and how to approach it in ways that work for you. You’ll have the opportunity to explore your health goals, apply what you’ve learned to your life, and build your unique Whole Wellness Plan based on your current priorities and circumstances.

Health is an ongoing journey. Taking small, sustainable steps allows you to make choices that support your wellness goals in the long-term. It also makes it easier to adapt your approach as you and your circumstances change over time. By the end of the course, you’ll have a greater understanding of how to meet yourself where you are right now and create a plan that empowers you going forward. 

I am so excited to support you throughout this experience and your journey.

 Course overview - The course will cover:

·      Introduction: Set the foundation for whole wellness

·      Physical Wellness: Nourish yourself

·      Mental & Emotional wellness: Support and Strengthen, Connect and Cultivate

·      Spiritual Wellness: Move forward with a greater purpose

·      Environmental Wellness: Be a part of creating a healthy environment

·      Empower – Sustain your wellbeing

Topics Covered:

WEEK 1: Introduction & Physical Wellness

·      Benefits of holistic approach to health & wellness

·      What to expect from this workshop

·      Setting personal goals

·      Reflecting on where you are in holistic health and wellness journey

·      Holistic approach to physical wellness, your habits, practices and beliefs

·      Healthy basics and social factors that can impact nutrition

·      The importance and impact of sleep and rest

·      How ultradian rhythms can boost productivity

·      Evaluate what works for you

WEEK 2: Mental & Emotional Wellness

Understanding meaning of mental and emotional health. Enhancing mental health can come in many forms – including optimizing your relationship with stress, honoring emotions, and building resilience.


·      How stress affects the body 

·      How stress affects the mind 

·      Supporting yourself through stress 

·      Emotional processing for mental health


·      Reflect on your emotional health practices, habits and beliefs

·      Connect with your emotions, and describe how you can process emotions in a healthy way

·      Honoring past experiences that can support healing 

·      The importance and impact of your relationships with others

·      Evaluate what works for you in mental and emotional health

·      Role of yoga in mental and emotional health

WEEK 3: Spiritual Wellness

Honor Your Unique Self and Move Forward with Greater Purpose . As daily life continues to shift, connecting with spirituality is more important than ever. This week, we’ll dive into spiritual health and spiritual awareness, which can help guide you in your ongoing wellness journey.

·      Connecting with your personal identity

·      Recognizing and honouring your purpose to create deeper meaning in your life

·      Utilizing spiritual alignment to connect with your purpose

 Week 4: Environmental & Sustaining Well-being /Wrap up

Empower Yourself in Your Ongoing Wellness Journey

We’ll recap key takeaways and prepare you for going out into the world with what you’ve learned and how you can continue integrating them into your daily life. Will help you create your Wellness Plan so you feel confident about your next steps. Remember that it is an on-going journey.

Topics Covered:

·      Key take-aways

·      Define how to take action for yourself and within your environment

·      Reflect on your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health journeys and how they relate to whole-wellbeing

·      Create a Plan to set yourself up for future exploration and sustain actions for a healthier and happier you.

 Who is this workshop for:

This is course is designed with you in mind – whether you are just starting to think about the meaning of Well-being – what it means for you, or you have been studying it for many years in different formats.  

It is a simple yet powerful way to provide knowledge and skills to jump start your wellness plan in a short period of time.

What you need for the course:

Notebook and a pen that you love

Online access for Zoom meetings

Yoga Mat

Music & Candles Commitment to yourself

Time to enjoy the materials

 Fee: £200

 To Register, click here


Christian Louboutin – Happiness & Red Sole


Book: The Longevity Diet by Valter Longo