Book: The Longevity Diet by Valter Longo
How to stay young: Slow Aging, Fight Disease and Optimize Weight Diet
I have always been interested in all topics related to health & wellness yet have to admit, the nutrition part was always my weakest point in terms of studying its benefits, and learning to cook as I never had to go on 'weight loss diet' except until the Covid times when I suddenly gained significant weight. I knew nutrition is always important not only to lose weight but more importantly to be healthy, but as someone who never really ate much junk food and does not really like to cook, I kept this part of 'wellness' in a distance for the longest time. Especially given that I simply love 'pasta' and I was scared that it would be taken away from me :) Yet then, the time always comes around when you know it is a crucial element of healthy living and you have to learn more about it.
What is the Longevity Diet: Here is a summary for you:
The list might seem restrictive but keep your spirits high - as it is very similar to Mediterranean Cuisine (mainly just less to none animal protein)
Do I follow every one of them now…every day? No. But I am certainly more concious, I do try to do my best in my food choices and I have made a significant improvement in my habits and thats what counts. Always remember: Small steps, lead to big changes and relationship with diet should always be about being more healthy rather than solely losing weight.
For more information click Valter Longo and to buy the book.