Film: The Swimmers
The extraordinary true story of Mardini Sisters. Refugees from Syria – running away from their country to save their lives and their family – to finding themselves in the 2016 Rio Olympics.
Have you ever been judgemental towards refugees?
Me: Yes
Me: Wishing there were few of them coming into my own home country
Now: Imagine:
Dancing with your friends to feel free, while your city is being bombed
Facing a missile face on, not on a war field as a soldier but as a 17 year old girl swimming in a pool
Riding to school with your sister to be stopped and be harassed by soldiers
Getting news that your friends and family are being killed everyday
Leaving your home and family on a hope to find a better life
Jumping into cold choppy sea waters and swim for hours in cold dark waves to save your life as well as a boat full of people that you have just met
Having a bigger than life dream and purpose so vivid that you would do anything to live it
If you had any judgements towards refugees in your life, this true life story definitely forces you to face the harshness of your own thoughts and reminds that kindness towards everyone should always come at the top of our thoughts.
“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.”
The kindness of their coach, Sven, giving them a chance, changes the life of Mardini sisters and everyone who has witnessed their life in real life and thru the film.
The Swimmers is a reflection of the Mardini Sisters’ true story but also representative of millions of refugees migrating. Millions of life jackets that cross the sea, some can not make it out of the waters including babies and for those who do make it on land, their lives are not yet saved but put on hold for months, maybe years only to face more hardship and more trauma as they wait to see what will become of their life.
Yusra Mardini breaks free and shows us the main strength in surviving lies in living with a purpose. Determination to make the most of the situation she is in, without knowing what the next moment or day will look like. She survives not only because she dreams, but she is driven and determined to go to the Olympics to represent her country. She has a larger than life purpose to live that will break her free. At the end it becomes even a greater purpose to represent everyone who lost their lives in the war, who had to leave their families and became refugees. She swims for the life of many at the Rio Olympics.
As Victor Frankl, psychiatrist, who survived nazi camps, wrote in his book:
“Those who have a ‘why’ to live, can bear with almost any ‘how’.”
The Swimmers - is a heart touching story of Hope, Purpose, Sisterhood, Kindness, Family, Dreams, Humanity, resilience, and perseverance.
Thank you Mardini Sisters for being exceptional inspirations for the world.
Congratulations to the creators: Director: Sally El Hosaini, Cast: Nathalie Issa, Manal Issa, Matthias Scheighofer, Producers and Production Companies: Working Title Films and AZ Celtic Films and whole crew.
Thank you, Selin